14 upvotes, 21 comments. Posted in the redalert2 community.
This is a mod for Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge that is focused on single-player campaign missions, but does still aim to have an entertaining multiplayer/skirmish mode. The goal is to have fun missions, a good story, and improve graphics… The Allied primary defense network is shut down under mysterious circumstances and the only thing between the Soviets and America is a tiny little ocean. A Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge (C&C: RA2YR) Map in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Dalbah A Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge (C&C: RA2YR) Map in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Dalbah To install the mod, use the SFX archive provided in the Download Section and point the installer to your Yuri's Revenge game directory. Full news coverage and modding support for Command & Conquer games such as Red Alert 3, Tiberium Wars, Generals, Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun and expansions. We also provide help and tutorials for modders, public researchs and a C&C community…
Mental Omega. 12 tis. To se mi líbí. A free unofficial expansion pack for Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge. Watch:.. Resolution Fix for Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. yuris revenge Wielding strange new technologies and hungering for revenge, the Soviet Army invades America. Overwhelmed Allied forces, unprepared for the surprise attack, are decimated. A very simple mod. In this mod you build Jumpjet VehicleTypes (Siege Chopper, Floating Disk, Nighthawk, and more!) from airfield. Jumpjet Vehicles (Helicopters) now share the same building queue with pad aircrafts. This is my first mod that I have ever made, however it is a fully operational and fully adaptable MOD. You can add your own stuff in after, but if you do you should read the readme.TXT. The mod aims to provide mental exercises for strategy makers: with a high level of scaled*(see below) realism, realistic weaponry, realistic AI attacking and defensive strategy, and a relentlessly fast paced game play, the mod is for the… Browse C&C: Red Alert 2 addons to download customizations including maps, skins, sounds, sprays and models.
It Came From Red alert! is a mod that brings the original Command & Conquer: Red Alert into Red alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. All versions require Red alert 2: Yuri's Revenge V1.001. The current, and likely final, version is Pre-release… Do you like the Tiberian Sun? and Yuri's Revenge, too? - Command & Conquer Mashup - Yuri's Revenge Total Conversion Red Alert 2: Apocalypse adds new features to your Red Alert 2 game. Red Alert 2: Apocalypse version 3.1.000 by Master X.A.A. Overmind of Borg. This mod adds Mental Omega. 12 tis. To se mi líbí. A free unofficial expansion pack for Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge. Watch:.. Resolution Fix for Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. yuris revenge Wielding strange new technologies and hungering for revenge, the Soviet Army invades America. Overwhelmed Allied forces, unprepared for the surprise attack, are decimated. A very simple mod. In this mod you build Jumpjet VehicleTypes (Siege Chopper, Floating Disk, Nighthawk, and more!) from airfield. Jumpjet Vehicles (Helicopters) now share the same building queue with pad aircrafts.
Everything explode from soldiers to bases even airplanes, Crazy Ivan wants more, nothing stands in feet.From explosion without much damage to a chain explosion. He want a war dynamite. While the war waged between the Allies and Soviets Yuri was quietly scheming, planning, testing, and devising. History went on without him - Russian Premier Romanov signed a historic peace treaty with the Allies and the free world remained… Browse "red-alert-2" tagged games, mods, features, news and downloads on Mod DB. After the installation go to the Addons tab and enable them. Všetko o hrách. Hry, cheaty, kódy, trainery, návody, CD obaly, wallpapery, screenshoty, preklady hier, slovenčiny, videá, download a množstvo ďalšieho.
Resolution Fix for Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. yuris revenge